In the spirit of Scandinavian simplicity, the two Danes behind Norm Architects, Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn, always strive to cut to the bone. To find the simplest possible solution without forgetting the beauty of the shape or the details – all in order to reach a point where nothing added nor subtracted will make the product better. This is what sets NORM apart from other talented designers. And when we look at Norm Floor Mirror, we think they stopped at the exact right point.

Norm Architects was founded in Copenhagen in 2008 by Danish designers Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Ronn (who have since been joined by Linda Korndal). Based in the centre of Copenhagen, Norm Architects work covers multiple disciplines including industrial design, residential architecture, commercial interiors and art direction.
The studio has designed a wide range of interior products for some of Scandinavian designs leading brands including designer lighting for &Tradition and modern furniture and home accessories for Audo Copenhagen.