Once an exclusive object reserved for the close friends and family of Mogens Lassen, the Kubus 4 Candleholder is a striking piece of Functionalist design, using geometric shapes to create a dramatic, sculptural effect. Four cylinders suspend the candles, arranged around the cube-shaped body, casting a soft light across your spaces.
Ideal for compact dining tables, the smaller form of the Kubus 4 makes it an excellent centrepiece or decorative ornament on a sideboard.

Danish Architect Mogens Lassen produced simple, functional wooden furniture pieces which have gone on to become furniture icons.
After attending school with his brother (Flemming Lassen) and Arne Jacobsen, Mogens also went on to join the studio of architect Tyge Hvass. Mogens Lassen brought international fame to Danish design with countless awards and medals, including the C.F. Hansen Medal, Denmark’s highest architectural honour.