Gamper looks to his Italian roots for inspiration for the Mark Lights, which are produced using traditional Venetian mouth-blowing techniques.
Established & Sons has produced a trio of finishes accented with vibrant colours that give the suspension lamp a real sense of character, with the playful, light-hearted aesthetic lending the piece a sense of joy, without ever being overt or idly considered. Each model is accented by its own unique cable, gifting each lamp with one final refrain of colour.

Martino Gamper is an Italian designer based in London who became internationally regarded through his project 100 Chairs in 100 Days. This group of works was exhibited in 2007 in London, the Milan Triennale in 2009 and at YBCA in San Francisco.
Gamper has exhibited extensively both in the UK and internationally and is also a tutor at the Royal College of Art in London.