Designer Carlotta de Bevilacqua wanted to create a light source that appeared as if it could be carried through space; with a futuristic, durable structure. The lamp's transparent form is captivating and unique, allowing for ultimate light dispersal and visibility. Unlike prevalent conventional lamps, its energy is supplied by a rechargeable battery, capable of emitting 16 hours of light at a time. With three different light performances and an effortless grasp, this innovative rechargeable lamp has been designed for ease of mobility around a home, setting light free without boundaries.

Carlotta De Bevilacqua is a designer, entrepreneur and university lecturer. She is one of the leading figures within the fields of contemporary architecture and design. Since the 1990s, De Bevilacqua has been Vice President of Italian lighting brand Artemide, with responsibility for overseeing brand strategy and product design innovation.
Her work with lighting design causes her to investigate aspects of light related to physiological and psychological well-being; key central concepts of Artemide’s ‘The Human Light’ brand philosophy. De Bevilacqua’s ethical values influence her designs, with a particular focus on reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.